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Get biz fit fast: Your weekly LinkedIn workout program


Welcome to Famous in Your Field! Here’s your free weekly tip to boost your fame factor. (Be sure to sign up in the box on the right to get on the VIP list for free tips and training, delivered straight to your inbox.)

Famous in Your Field tip: your weekly LinkedIn workout

Famous in Your Field: your weekly LinkedIn workout

How’s your LinkedIn activity? Lean and buff or flabby and neglected?

When it comes to LinkedIn, so many wanna-be famous in your fielders say that they know it’s the social network teeming with prospects, but they’re befuddled about how to use it.

This week, I’m your LinkedIn personal trainer. And I’ve crafted a down and dirty LinkedIn workout program that’ll have you in and out in just a few minutes a day.

Ready? Let’s get your heart rate up:


1. Scan my news feed for items to Like or Comment. (Don’t go crazy here. This isn’t Facebook. Too much activity and people will de-Link you. A few items per day is enough.)

2. Update my profile status. Here are my go-to topics:

-comment on an event I’ll be attending

-mention an upcoming speaking engagement

-link to a new article published or a milestone reached.

Bonus tip: mention other people on LinkedIn in the status update when it’s relevant. (LinkedIn now lets you “tag” people just like you can on Facebook or Twitter. This helps to spread your update through someone else’s network, too. But be cool with it – don’t go tagging Richard Branson, just because he’s on LinkedIn.)

3.  Visit two or three groups and check out the latest discussions. Contribute something if I can – a resource, an answer to a question, a great article. If not, don’t add to the noise.


1. Scan my newsfeed. Comment, Like and congratulate my contacts.

2. Check out who’s looking at my profile. Decide if I should I reach out to them to connect? Or just send a friendly email, offering my help.

3. Start following a new Company page.


 1. Scan my newsfeed. Comment, Like and congratulate my contacts.

2. Write a short, sincere and specific recommendation for someone that I’ve worked with in the last week. It might be the organizer of an event, a service provider or a speaker who gave insightful information or a colleague who’s making her ding in the universe.

3. Send a LinkedIn message to a small group of my contacts, asking them if they’d like to follow my company page. Be sure to tell them what’s in it for them, if they do.


1. Scan my newsfeed. Comment, Like and congratulate my contacts.

2. Share something of value from one of my connections. 

3.  Visit two or three groups and check out the latest discussions. Contribute something if I can – a resource, an answer to a question, a great article. Again, no noise!


1. Scan my newsfeed. Comment, Like and congratulate my contacts.

2. Follow a new company page or influencers in my industry or target niche. 

3. Share my weekly blog post or a new service or product I’m offering. (Try rolling like this: alternate offering actionable information or a can’t-miss resource with an ask from you every other week.)

Everyday, no matter what:

-Accepting new invitations to connect.

-Send personalized invitations to connect to people I’ve just met.

There you have it – your LinkedIn workout regime! Ditch that old “I don’t know what to do on LinkedIn excuse” and tackle this easy-peasy to do list first thing. The best part? It will only take 3-10 minutes a day.

Your fame boosting assignment:

Jump over to LinkedIn and start your weekday workout. You and your business will be feelin’ superfit in no time!

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