Welcome to Famous in Your Field! Here’s your free weekly tip to boost your fame factor. (Be sure to sign up in the box on the right to get on the VIP list for free tips and training, delivered straight to your inbox.)
One of the best ways to make a name for yourself is to “borrow” someone else’s fame.
But if JLaw isn’t offering you a part in her next movie, how are you supposed to nab a share of the spotlight?
Guest blogging, my friend. The answer is guest blogging.
Guest blogging is when you write an article or post that appears on another person or company’s blog.
Now, why in the heck would you serve up your blood, sweat and tears to give all the glory to someone else’s website?
Here’s the skinny:
The other website has an audience. Even if it’s a small audience, it’s made up of different people than those that read your blog or visit your website. So, by guest posting, you are widening your own reach and “borrowing” someone else’s fame. By having you as a guest blogger, the site is owner is saying, “Hey, trusted readers, here’s something that I think you’ll love.” Boom! Implied endorsement.
How to find guest blogging opportunities
So, if guest blogging increases your reach and reputation by letting you “borrow” someone else’s fame, how do you put it to work for you?
Well, you can spend hours each week on research. You know, Googling keywords and plowing through website after website to find the ones that are relevant.
Oh yeah, I heard what you just muttered under your breath. “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”
No worries, my friends! I’ve got a cool tool for you to check out: Inkybee.com.
Inkybee is a simple, user-friendly tool to make blogger outreach easy and painless.
- Inkybee finds relevant blogs for you.
- Then Inkybee tells you which ones are the most influential.
Inkybee had different pricing options, but you can start a free trial to see how much value you’ll get from it before committing to a monthly subscription. (I tried it for one month and had about one hundred great results, sent directly to my inbox.)
Your Fame Boosting Assignment:
1. Sign up for a free Inkybee trial.
2. Use it to find five blogs that reach your ideal client.
3. Read 5-10 articles or posts to get a feel for the material they publish. If they have guest posting or contributor guidelines, read ‘em.
4. Pick three websites that reach your ideal audience. Following the website’s guest posting guidelines, offer to write a guest post for the site.
Now, sit back and watch your star rise!